This book has been written to meet the requirements of the students,
particularly English Education Department. The main purpose of this
book is to help the students to understand the basic knowledge of
This book mainly adapted from the book of Prof. Dr. Loga Baskaran.
She taught me when I was master students. She encouraged me to
understand basic knowledge, particularly in linguistics. Great thank
goes to her. In addition, this book also got inspiration from Mr. Chaer
who has invented good writing in psycholinguistics, so that, he dared
me to write this book although I myself never see him directly. Special
thank goes to him.
This book urgently needed to whoever is interested in psychology and
linguistics. This book is merely for students who firstly study about
psycholinguistics, so this book can be as references to study further.
This book is quite lack of perfectness in writing or content. Therefore,
I do apologize to the readers. So, any critics or valuable suggestion will
be welcome. Much care has been given to the preparation of this book.
This study can be classified as extern linguistics because linguistics is
combined with another field of science, namely psychology, used in
communication. Due to in communication with language is carried out
through two fundamental human activities speaking and listening.
These are of particular importance to psychologists; they are mental
activities that hold clues to the very nature of the human mind in
speaking. First, people use ideas in words, talking about perceptions,
feelings and intentions they want others to grasp. In listening they turn
words into ideas, trying to reconstruct the perceptions, feelings and
intentions they were meant to grasp.